*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Whew! This has been a whirlwind of a week, but so much fun! I hope you all had a safe and happy 4th of July. It’s a HUGE day in our town and never ever disappoints! It was a […]
Favorite Things Friday #33
When You Can’t Find The Perfect Table…You Make One for $14! (And a New Rug for the Nook!)

I am SO excited to share this project with you today! As you might know from previous posts/Instastories/Facebook, we’re giving the nook a fresh new look. It all started when I moved the round table that was there…this one: …over to the other side of the family room when we rearranged in here: So that […]
When You Spot a $10 Table…

You guys know I love a good deal, right?! So when this cutie popped up on my Facebook feed on the local yard sale page, I knew I had to grab it! It had this leather top that wasn’t in the best shape, but I don’t mind such things;) I knew I could use it […]
June 2017 Roundup!

Wow, feels like it’s been FOREVER since I’ve done a round-up post…not sure why?! When I realized it’s the last day of June today, I thought maybe I should bring the round-up posts back. I mean, we’re all busy people living our busy lives and I’m sure you don’t check this page every day…or every week…or […]
Turn An Everyday Kitchen Stool Into a Farmhouse Style Nightstand…and Some Other Stuff…

Do you have a tiny bedroom? How about a tiny budget? A fan of the whole farmhouse-y/old-looking/rustic thing? If so, I have a solution for you! I know, not *exactly* what you had in mind, huh? Hear me out. If you give it a layer of your favorite blue flat finish paint (chalk paint/chalky finish […]
A Second Dresser Makeover for My Girl’s Room

Long time no blog! I’ve missed you so:) Those of you who follow my Facebook page know the scoop, but for those who don’t, I had surgery last week to remove that lump. Apparently even though my biopsy was all clear, my immunologist wanted to get it out and check out the tissue to be […]
Dresser Makeover For My Girl’s Room

The power of paint, people. It’s ASTOUNDING. Take a look at this dresser before: And after some paint and new hardware, take a look at it now: Did you ever think she had it in her to look that cute?! Let me backtrack for a sec. If you read my last post, you’re aware we’re […]
Stepping Outside My Box and Glammin’ It Up For My Sister: Her Bench Makeover

I was over my sister’s place a few months back, helping her with some decorating. She really wants to change things up and embrace a total 1940s glam look. Helping her has been a fun challenge, because we couldn’t be more different when it comes to our tastes in our home decor, so it’s like stepping […]
The Other $5 Table Makeover

Before I say anything else – I need to say a huge Thank You. I should have started off my last post with it and I was remiss. For all your love, kindness, and support regarding my Scary Month post – for sharing your stories with me, for telling me that my words helped lift […]
Five Dollar Nightstand Makeover

You know I love me a thrifty yard sale project! Today’s post is no exception – when I saw this table on a local yard sale page, I knew I needed to grab it. In fact, I grabbed two – one is slightly different, and haven’t made that one over yet, but you know I’ll […]