The day is finally here! The kitchen makeover/refresh/whatever you wanna call it – is D-O-N-E! To refresh your memory, a few months back in June, I had a crazy idea after seeing my sister’s painted countertops in her wetbar. I had the realization that while a big reno wasn’t in the budget, MAYBE I could […]
Cabinets are Gone, Kitchen is DONE…So Where’s All The Stuff??
Building Character: Extending Short Cabinets with Molding

First off, I apologize if you were stopping over here expecting a Favorite Things Friday post. But I finally took pics of the new (er, old) fancy cabinets and I figured, it’s been forever since I’ve done a regular post, so let’s just go for it this week. I’m been posting some little peeks on Instagram […]
Favorite Things Friday #33

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Whew! This has been a whirlwind of a week, but so much fun! I hope you all had a safe and happy 4th of July. It’s a HUGE day in our town and never ever disappoints! It was a […]
DIY Custom Desk for a Closet/Office

Hello! Thank you all for the prayers for my little girl – they’re working and she’s continuing to heal nicely! Praise the Lord indeed. I am feeling like life might be getting back to normal a bit now and wanted to share with you the details on the DIY desk we (and by we I […]
DIY Scalloped Wall: The Tutorial

Thank you all so much for your kind words and love for my daughter’s scalloped wall! I am so happy you love it as much as I do:) Check out yesterday’s post here first, in case you missed that! I was super inspired by an episode of Fixer Upper but when I found out I’d […]