*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Oh you guys. You just never know when inspiration will strike, do you?! A couple weeks ago, I was at my sister’s for my niece’s birthday party. She had just done a lot of work in their basement, and […]
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie…A Budget Kitchen Makeover In The Works!
From Old Skirt to New Pillow Cover

I was clearing out my closet not too long ago (as I am constantly doing – two people sharing a small closet will make you a constant clothes purger). Ever since I read that life changing tidying up book, the minute I find fault with an article of clothing, it goes in the donation pile. […]
How To Make a Mini Pallet, and What To Do With It!

I realized the other day, while making a gift for my cousin, that I never wrote a post on the mini pallets signs I started making a couple YEARS ago!?? What the what?! Well, no time like the present, so we’re gonna talk about that today! And no, they aren’t technically pallets, but they have […]
What a Difference a Little Shelf Can Make

I was at Marshall’s the other day and spotted a sweet little mirror. I looked at the price tag…$14.99?! Couldn’t believe it. I didn’t have a perfect spot for it, but it was one of those things where I knew it would work SOMEWHERE. And for that price I had to grab it. I’ve been […]
Easy DIY Fern Art Wall Decor

Been a while since I’ve posted a craft for you! I can hardly call this a craft though – it’s SO easy, so quick, and so inexpensive! Since we’ve made some changes in the family room, I no longer had a spot for these two frames I used to have hanging up in there… …and […]
DIY Shelves for the Cloffice

Hello there! If you read the Cloffice post last week (if you didn’t, you can click HERE to go check it out!), you may recall I said I’d do some additional blog posts about the different parts of the makeover, otherwise it would’ve been one loooong post;) So today we’re going to talk about the little […]
Hanging Light Fixture for $10!

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Finding affordable ways to decorate is seriously my favorite. I get the biggest thrill out of finding a way to live beautifully on a budget – it’s like a game. So when we needed some light in the nook […]
The Closet-to-Office (AKA Cloffice!) Makeover

Stick a fork in it, it is D-O-N-E, friends! After what feels like forever, the cloffice is 100% complete, and we couldn’t be happier! There’s a lot to talk about here, and I’ll be writing additional posts with all the details on each part, because it’d be one gigantic blog post if I tried to […]
Favorite Things Friday #19

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Happy Friday! Man, this week flew by! I mean, they all do really, but this one felt especially quick. Anyone else? Hard to believe it’s already time to talk Favorite Things, but let’s do it! 🙂 1. Wonder Goodness, […]
Old Ottomans, New Life…on the Cheap!

I am kinda in love with this latest project, friends. I’ve been eyeing these cute ottomans at Target lately, but at $60 a pop, and wanting two of them, I couldn’t bring myself to buy them. Here they are: Don’t you just LOVE them? That whole display right now is just so so good. I […]