*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Happy Friday, friends! I’m back with a Favorite Things Friday today (obviously, lol) – right now the every other week thing is feeling more manageable, and I appreciate your sticking by me in this crazy season of life! Works […]
DIY Uma Wig and Hat
*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* If I had to guess, a lot of you aren’t going to know who this Uma is – unless you have elementary school age Disney loving kids. She is a character from a movie called Descendants 2 – […]
BOO! Halloween Mason Jars
Happy First Day of FALL!!!!! I do love this season. I hear it MIGHT just fall below 80 degrees next week, so fingers crossed:) It’s hard to get all pumped and decorating for Fall when I’m sweating in a tanktop and flip flops, but I did try my hand at a Halloween craft idea last […]
DIY Halloween Pinwheel Wreath
It’s in the 90s as I type this, and has been ALL. WEEK. We’re heading to the pool today. Some schools in the area have been closed due to heat. And the thought of wearing anything but flip flops seems like it’s forever away. Yet today, I made a Halloween craft. Say what? You see, I […]