December Craft Night: Wintery Goodness

Like I said before…I am SO behind this year! Craft Night was almost two weeks ago, and I’m just now finding the time to share these goodies with you!

I shared my wreath last week that I made, but here’s some awesomesauce from my girlfriends for ya!

Check out this amazing reindeer – a paper mache deer head from Michaels – white paint on the bottom, glittery silver on the antlers:

Winter Craft Night

How awesome does it look on her mirror?!

winter craft night

Can you just picture that with a boxwood wreath around it!? I must make one of these…with my record, that won’t be until NEXT Christmas, but still…

Moving on.

Another girlfriend took a plain foam wreath, wrapped it in burlap, adorned it with some pinecones, berries, etc and a pretty bow. Perfect for her door! (P.S. – Was over her house yesterday and it looks fantastic on her door – I really must get better pics than my boring white laundry room door when we do wreaths at Craft Night!) 😉

winter craft night

Check out this cute plain wooden box another talented friend made – this one you might know – Jocie over at One Project Closer’s The Better Half! Fun to have a real life blogging buddy;)

She penciled in a super cute tree pattern and filled it in with craft paint…

winter craft night

winter craft night

So cute!

Speaking of cute…

This infinity scarf my friend made using ONLY YARN AND HER HANDS!!! She found a site with instructions and followed intensely, going from this…

winter craft night

to this…

winter craft night

Impressive, right?! Another one for my list.

And how about this pom-pom wreath made with a wire wreath form, some white yarn, and a perfect burlap bow:

winter craft night

How lovely does it look on her mirror?

winter craft night

Which brings me to another point: HOW MUCH DO WE LOVE THAT MIRROR?!!

Anywho, those are my crafty friends’ projects for you! They’re pretty talented gals, huh? Stay tuned for January’s fabulous projects!



  1. All look great I especially love the pom pom wreath!

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