Another $10 School Desk Makeover

Things are moving along in my big girl’s room! You might remember when I found that adorable school desk for my younger daughter’s room for $10? In that post, I mentioned that I bought two – one for my other daughter’s room as well. I kept it in its original state for the younger one’s room, since the colors and worn out finish just fit so well…

school desk makeover

But in my other daughter’s room, it needed a new look.

Spray paint to the rescue!

I picked up Valspar Paint and Primer in One (Satin White), and Rustoleum Bright Gold Metallic spray paint. First, I took it outside and gave JUST the top a couple coats of white. Once it dried, I covered it with a big trash bag and taped it all around so it wouldn’t get anything on it. I could have SWORN I took pics of these steps and can’t seem to find them on my computer:( Blogger fail. I apologize.

Then, I sprayed the legs with the gold spray paint.

It needed something else…

Then it hit me – washi tape!

I found THE CUTEST washi tape at Michaels with an arrow pattern. It’s adorable. And exactly what I was looking for, even though I didn’t even know it existed;) Don’t you just love it when that happens?

I taped a strip along the top and bottom, and we’re done!

school desk makeover

school desk makeover

school desk makeover

Oh! I also sprayed the entire thing with a couple clear coats of protective spray paint – I did this a few weeks ago and it’s holding up fantastic!

school desk makeover

And yes, I know this is desk #2 for her room, but this is also her nightstand:) Besides, this was $10 and the other was free, so how could I not?!

Stay tuned for more posts this week on her room – we’re getting close to the reveal! Woohoo!


  1. This is SO adorable!

  2. Love it! I’m doing this for my son’s room – did you paint the inside of the desk opening? If so, how did you get in there evenly? If not, how did you keep from getting remnants of spray paint in there? Thanks!

  3. My church just purchased a former elementary school that contains hundreds of desks. I’d like to salvage a few and this paint project seems just the solution. I’m usually the creative ideas persons but I’m willing to try my hands on this idea. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Kimberly Pool says:

    Is the top laminate. Wasn’t sure if paint would stick to that. Thank you

  5. Beautiful piece!! Did u sand the legs too? And how is it still holding up?

  6. Doing this for Christmas! What paint did you use? I haven’t done anything like this before and need specifics!! 😀 Thank you!!!

  7. Where did you get the desk from??

  8. Are you able to use expos to write on top of desk? Did you get a clear top coat?

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