The Family Room: Fall Edition

I used to get so excited to decorate when Fall turned around. My house a year or so ago was nothing but dark, warm colors. Deep reds, golds, greens, black furniture. Fall decor just seemed to ‘go’ so well with it. And I was equally displeased with my house come spring. All the beautiful pastels – aquas, corals, yellows – just looked out of place in my home. Just wasn’t as inspired to decorate for Spring, or get seashells and sand out for the Summer.

So when I gave my family room a COMPLETE makeover last year, and had nothing but bright and light goin’ on, I wasn’t quite sure how warm and cozy my room would seem come Fall. I had swapped out dark gold walls for super pale Sea Salt. Getting rid of our dark patterned rug and buying a faux sisal one. It was totally rockin’ in the summertime…but Fall. Hmm. Could I turn this room that lends itself so well to the warmer weather season, into a cozy, inviting ‘Fall’ space too?

And the answer: ABSOLUTELY.

I’ve figured out how to get wiser with my decorating, friends. And I couldn’t be happier. It all comes down to one simple trick: Go neutral with your big (aka more expensive) stuff, and bring in the color (and seasons) with your accessories. That’s really all there is to it. By getting new throw pillows and blankets for the couch, and adding a few seasonal accessories here and there, my Sea Salt-sisal-beige-wonderland is now a place I want to light some pumpkin spice candles, turn on the fireplace (yes, we have one of those plug-in guys;), snuggle up under a blanket and read a book with a cuppa coffee. Mission accomplished!

Now, here’s the part where I shut up and bombard you with pictures. (I’ll interrupt periodically to comment on some rearranged furniture and the like;)…

Kick off your slippers and welcome to our Fall-ified Family Room!



Pillows from left to right (above): Yellow-Target (already had), book pillow-HomeGoods, Grey wool-Target



Yep. I kept the lamp! (Facebook friends might recognize this when I posted from HomeGoods last week;). Probably going to spray paint it silver eventually. I like the unexpectedness of it. It’s different and funky, and I’m just drawn to it. And isn’t that what should fill our homes – things we love? FB peeps might also recognize that cozy pillow – also a HomeGoods find. I decided to place my DIY ottoman (one of the two), under the table. Thought it was the perfect little nook for it, and easy to pull out when you want to kick your feet up!

Throws are from Marshalls, pillows from left to right: Grey button-HomeGoods, small print-Target, green long-already had it, orange bird-HomeGoods.


The chalkboard says: Autumn is Nature’s loveliest smile. Ain’t that the truth?! And you might recognize the pillow on the left I made from this week’s earlier post! OH! And while puttering around, I decided to swap the blue suitcase table (my $9 yard sale treasure!) that used to sit between the chevron chairs with this white table. Here’s where the suitcase table ended up…

I think it shows off so much better here! You see it right when you enter the room now. Also, added that floor lamp that wasn’t being used at the moment. It was from the former family room, and used to be black. I spray painted it silver, and pulled it out of storage – I had a feeling I’d use it again! I like the added interest and height it brings.

I also folded up an old tablecloth I had from YEARS ago and turned it into a runner for the “coffee table.” Technically that’s just an old chest we had and it’s much too small (hence the ottoman that always has to be in front of the loveseat!). A larger coffee table is on the list, but in the meantime, this works.

Love my new $14.99 silver leaf bowl from HomeGoods! Filled it with mini pumpkins and gourds, and it’s the perfect amount of color. Speaking of color, you can see (in this picture above) the inspiration for this entire room – that leaf handprint tree created by my daughter last year in preschool. I hung in on the bird cage thing-a-ma-jig, and instantly knew that would be where I drew my colors from. Plus, I love having art by my kids around. You can also see in that picture, the glass lamp that I love to fill with seasonal decor. I chose mini pumpkins and gourds again as the filler. LOVE that Target lamp!


Baskets are a great way to cozy up a space too. This book basket was hiding under the white table before, but I pulled it out and stuck the extra ottoman under it instead. Very happy with that change! And can I just tell you how much I love that orange throw?! Texture can add so much. Mixing up textures, using traditional prints such as plaids, throwing in some natural elements, and you’ve got yourself a cozy space!

A white pitcher with some branches from Michaels are just perfect for bringing in some natural elements. And mercury glass…I’m a little (ok, a LOT) obsessed! I have that candle holder in the bookshelf usually, but I thought it looked great here, so I took it;) Remember, always shop your home. I had this pitcher in the dining room hutch. A lot of times you will find just the right thing under your very nose!


You might notice I had my slippers, coffee, bread, and a magazine in the previous pictures. Then I thought, is that weird?! and removed them…Was going for that inviting, please, come in and cuddle up with a book vibe, but then thought maybe it just looked like I hadn’t cleaned up before taking pictures! lol.

Notice the basket in the right corner in the picture above? Here’s a secret: it has a throw blanket on top of about a zillion toys in there;) Yes, we do live in this room!



Guess that about wraps up the Fall Family Room Tour! Thanks for stopping by, hope you like it!

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