How to make a Sign with A Marker and ZERO Stencils!

TWO POSTS IN TWO DAYS?!!! Who is this person!?!!

Thanks for all the love on my coffee bar post yesterday, friends! So happy you like it as much as I do:) It’s a rainy Monday here, so that little bar’s working overtime!

Which means the ND is working overtime as well! I’ve been wanting to try this project for a few weeks and saw the materials in the corner just sitting there, begging for me to just go ahead and give it a go. So I finally did, and it turned out pretty cute. I figured it would make a great Valentine’s Day gift for your special someones, so I best get to postin’!

First, the cast of characters:

how to make a sign with no stencils

I needed a piece of unfinished wood (got mine at Michaels), some white craft paint (and a brush), some of my favorite stain (Minwax Special Walnut), a Sharpie, a pen (not pictured because I’m a flake sometimes), and whatever quote you want printed out right from your computer (in the font of your choice).

Our wedding song is “I Could Not Ask For More” (the Sara Evans version – neither important nor relevant, just a fun fact). I was going to make two signs – one saying “I’ve Found All I’ve Waited For” and the other: “And I Could Not Ask For More.” And hang one one each side of our beds. I only had one piece of wood though, and turns out, I like just the one – it’s perfect to sit atop my husband’s dresser. Another fun fact: I’m pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve ever used the word atop. 

First, I painted the wood with the white paint. I left the edges alone, and once the paint dried, I took a foam brush (you could use a paper towel, napkin, whatever) and applied some stain along the edges.

Then I cut out the words and positioned them on the wood how I wanted them to look.

I pressed down very firmly with my pen, and traced them. The wood gives and you’ll get a nice lil’ indentation there.


All you have to do is color it in with a black Sharpie! I liked this font because it looked like it wouldn’t matter if it’s not perfect. In fact, the imperfections kinda make it look even better.

Here it is!

diy wedding song sign

There was a LOT more white space than I anticipated, by lining the words up on the left hand side. I contemplated hot gluing a mini clothespin to it and sticking a black and white photo there, but in the end, I decided to just lean a frame of our family against it. The wood frame pics up the stained edge of the sign, and the rustic lamp, which made me happy. It’s the little things.

diy wedding song sign

And yes, I pixelated the wedding invitation and messages from all our wedding guests – as much as I like to share everything, it seemed wrong to share those sweet words from our nearest and dearest on here:)

diy wedding song sign

If you’ve got yourself a sentimental special someone, and haven’t found the right thing to get him/her for Valentine’s Day, I hope you give this a try! Let me know how it turns out…(and how they like it)!



  1. This is such a sweet idea! I have been trying to incorporate song lyrics to some large canvas or something similar. This could help me on my way to finding what I am trying to do. It is always about taking little pieces from each inspiration and turning it into your own. That picture frame is awesome too!

  2. Did you make the small frame as well? I love it!

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