They’re calling for a big snowstorm mid week, but that’s not stopping me from busting out my spring decor around here! I mean, we’re IN March, that’s good enough reason for me.
I was taking a look at my bird cage thing-a-ma-jiggy, you might remember from previous posts – the one I picked up at HomeGoods last fall? I flippin’ LOVE this thing. I decided since it’s so close to my gallery wall, that I wouldn’t use it for photos, but seasonal tags. I made these little tags for last November…
And this was the December/January look…
I got a little lazy in February and just clipped old Valentine’s Day cards and love notes all over it – never snagged a pic of that, sorry!
So yesterday, I dug out my scraps of leftover scrapbook paper, picked the happiest/spring-iest ones in the stash and decided to go a banner route, rather than my typical square shaped tags. Even if you don’t have a bird cage hanging thingy (I really need to come up with a better name for this thing!), you could use this idea to make a banner for your mantel, a buffet table, anything.
I had the paper, and happened to have some linen fabric (I bought a yard at Walmart a while back and never ended up using it), so I thought they’d make a perfect combination. You could use burlap too.
It’s super easy to make. First, think of what you want the banner to say. Then cut triangles out of the scrapbook paper, all the same size, of however many letters your saying contains. Then I cut slightly smaller triangles out of the linen.
I used my tacky glue gel to just dab the tiniest bit of glue in the top two corners of the linen so it would stick to the paper. It dries clear, so don’t worry if you see a dark spot at first.
About to get super fancy with this next step – you ready? Turn the pieces over, and bust out the tape. ‘Cuz that’s how I roll.
You could use glue to attach the triangles, but this is just too quick and easy so I went for it.
Then I used my Martha Stewart stencils from Michaels. They’re small enough for this project, and I like the font.
Just pour a little white paint onto a paper plate, grab a tiny foam brush (or paintbrush – that’s what I actually ended up using), and just ever-so-slightly dab the paint onto the stencil.
Wow, check out that manicure. Holy cow. THIS is why I should never paint my nails. ANYwho…
Lift the stencil up quickly, and you’re done!
I secured the banner to my bird cage decor with some clothespins, and that’s all she wrote!
Happy Spring to you! Snow and all;)
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