Chandelier Changes

So I did something to the chandelier the other day. Took me about half a minute, and didn’t cost me a penny.

I took off the white shades.

I think I like it better, but just can’t make up my mind…help me readers. What do you think?

Here it is before…


Sorry for the terrible picture quality – took this with my phone;)

Here it is now…



I feel like it looks a little updated without the shades, you know? But something’s still not right, and you know I won’t rest until it is!

Maybe spray paint perhaps? But what color…

I’ve also contemplated turning it into one of those DIY orb thing-a-ma-jigs, but that would make it ginormous, so not sure about all that…


Stay tuned friends, I have a feeling something’s about to change in here;) And feel free to chime in and let me know what you think I should do!


  1. I personally like the shades. What about a change to the shades? Perhaps ribbon, paint, burlap, beads, stenciling….Less “commital” than painting the fixture itself. Just a thought 🙂

    Hope your weekend is extra blessed,


  2. sarah alicea says:

    I immediately thought you should spray paint it white before I even read your post!s

  3. We have the same chandelier! I took the shades off. I like it better without, but I agree it needs something. Can’t wait to see what you do!
    Where did you get your window shades?

  4. Maybe some paint and some fabric to cover the chain. Does it have a ceiling medallion?

  5. melanie kelly says:

    I agree white might look good or if you could find some cute burlap shades with a little black trim or stencil on them or just leave plain! I ;m sure whatever you decide will look cute 🙂

  6. I had a chandelier very similar to yours and it didn’t have any shades. I added shades for a change. You can do the same. Take them off for awhile, then put them on again for a different look. They have all different kinds of small shades for different looks. Either way looks good.

  7. It’s better without the shades. I agree, it seems updated. I like it the current color but the candle sticks would be better matched to the rest of the chandelier. I also like the idea of it sprayed white with a very light distress. Definitely change to the circle-ball globes. Too cute!

  8. How about a burlap cover for the chain? I just recently changed my dining room light fixture, but I found a great deal on Joss&Main and went for it.

  9. Looks better w/o the shade. Did you decide if the girls are gonna share a room? If yes, can’t wait to see it!!

    • Yep! We did it – needs a lot of work decor wise, but it’s working out well so far! After the office and our son’s room, they’re up next! 🙂

  10. Spraaaaayyyyyyy Paaaaaaiiiiinnttttt. Yellow. Or coral. Or aqua. Or. Or. Or. 🙂

  11. You should definitely do a color and pull from those plates on the wall!! Love it without the shades, how about some satin wrapped bulbs!? Love your blog!!

  12. Bethany says:

    I vote to spray paint it metalic black for contrast and use washi tape around the candlesticks.

  13. You could add a different fabric to the shades for a totally different look.

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