$12 Mirror Art

Our main first floor hallway’s getting a little makeover these days. A fresh coat of paint (the last of the golden yellow is on its way outta here!), some new light fixtures (GOODBYE boob lights!), that kinda stuff. Nothing drastic, but so nice and fresh. I’ve gotten half the hall painted. So naturally, before I finish painting, I HAD to get some things on the walls that are done, right?! Typical ND fashion.

We have this skinny little hallway…

That yellow is MUCH more gold, trust me. This picture is way too flattering for some reason.

I chose Sherwin Williams Pearly White – the same color I just did the bedroom in – it’s perfection. Neutral at its best. Just the nicest off white, beigey creamy color. I just love it. And I really love that you can go anywhere with it as far as wall art and accents. If I want to add touches of aqua – fine. Red? Fine. Grey? Fine too. The sky’s the limit, and for this fickle/crazy/change-my-mind-every-other-week lady, it’s just right.

Then I had about 5 of these plain mirrors from the Dollar Tree. Had them for a few years now – they used to be in our bedroom on a collage wall. They are a really neat chippy grey finish. I was in there the other day and couldn’t believe it, they still had them! So I grabbed 7 more. Also picked up some Command Strips to secure them on the wall, and within minutes, that wall you see in the picture above, turned to this…

I haven’t made up my mind if I’m going to leave it alone, or nail some molding around it and make it look like a chunky ol’ framed mirror. Stay tuned on that;)

First, I started with the top left. Then went straight down. The command strips were key because I did not feel like hammering in a zillion nails (because trust me, that’s how many I would have had to use trying to make sure all twelve mirrors were EXACTLY touching!). After the first column was done, I did the next, starting with the middle. Don’t know why, but I felt like that was the smart one to start with.
And kept going and going, and that’s about it.

(Excuse the awful pic – it was taken with my camera phone. Oops).

I’m kinda digging it. What do you think?

Pardon these weird angles, but the hallway is so narrow, that this is what happens if I try to get a straight on shot;)

So that’s my $12 Mirror Art. (For now anyway). I’ll keep you posted if I give it a little pizzazz soon!

Gotta love that Dollar Tree!


  1. I’m doing this tomorrow!

  2. christene L Mullican says:

    love love love

  3. Great idea! I am so doing this. Thank you!

  4. Joan Waly-Schultz says:

    After ordering 2 mirrors online that arrived cracked I decided to make one myself, and I found you. Great project! I am heading out now to Dollar Tree and I was wondering, if you wanted to frame the whole thing how you would do it? Thanks for posting this…super idea.

  5. Did you stain/paint the frames yourself? Or buy them that way? I have those frames from dolllar tree but mine are black

  6. I absolutely love it and thanks for providing so much step by step details. I didn’t even think of the idea of command strips.


  1. […] a large, framed, good-looking mirror one dollar at a time! This tutorial pieces 12 dollar store mirrors together but you can customize this mirror and make it any size you […]

  2. […] its own doesn’t look too good… but in a group, they look cute! Check out this creative mirror art! How about a full-sized leaning mirror version? There are all sorts of ideas out […]

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