No Favorite Things Friday Because…

…we got a DOG?!!!

What in the world is happening in the universe?!

Neither my husband nor myself ever had a dog growing up. Always thought they were cute, but never had the urge to have one of our own. Plus, having three kids in three years, we had our hands full for a while. Couldn’t imagine adding a fourth *child* to the mix.

Fast forward to our kids being 8, 9, and 11, and our hearts softening for those puppy dog eyes. Don’t know how it happened, but over the summer, my husband and I started giving each other “the look.” The “omg could we be considering a dog?!” look. We finally decided YES. YES WE WERE.

And so the hunt began.

After meeting several dogs, and going through several agencies – applications, phone calls, home visits…we found our guy.

His face just melted my heart.

And so on Sunday, he came to our house to meet us, and never left.

You guys. I am so overwhelmed and excited and scared and happy and all the feels. It has become my full time job this week, and I realized it was Thursday and I hadn’t even thought about Favorite Things Friday.

So this is my Favorite Thing this week:


Be back next week, or whenever my head is floating above water again. 😉

Have a wonderful weekend, friends! XO


  1. I know the feeling!! Charlie looks like an Australian Shepherd. We had 2 Aussies—brothers, Rocky and Bandit, now we just have Rocky. They take your heart to places where it can’t go without loving a pet. Congrats on the new addition!

  2. Dogs get easier-hang in there! Soon you won’t be able to imagine not having him in your family.
    Just finished Of Mess & Moxie-thanks for introducing me to Jen-will be getting my hands on all of her books now! ❤️it!! Please keep putting the books you love on your Friday lists.

  3. Anne Lepczyk says:

    So sweet! Charlie will soon become part of the family and you will wonder why you didn’t do this sooner. He will steal your heart, actually it looks like he already has 😉
    Boh lays on my lap every morning while I drink my coffee, it’s my favorite thing and favorite time of day.
    Congrats !

    • Thanks, Anne! We’re getting there – huge adjustment, but he sure is a sweetie! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving – say hi to everyone for me! Miss you guys! XO

  4. Hey mine too Zoee sits on my lap while I drink coffee too! Those fur babies take commitment but they pay back in ways you couldn’t ever have imagined!!! Can’t live without them.

  5. This makes my heart so happy! We recently got a puppy that looks identical to your Charlie…and he’s a Border Collie. Such a cutie! I’m excited to see how your decorating and cleaning shifts now that you have a pupcake…I’ve found that I can’t decorate the same way I used to (chewing, eating plants, etc.). Fun times. I’ll admit that I was frustrated that none of the decor bloggers I follow had dogs…and their houses looked perfect. I’m excited to see that you’ve jumped over to the dark side and I’m hopeful that you’ll be open and honest (I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, my dear!) blogging about the ups and down of decorating with a dog. I love keeping it real and honest because there are lots of us with pets that can’t decorate like HGTV. My thought process: “that’s a cute basket of things on the coffee table…wonder how long it would take for dog to eat, digest, and vomit that all back up.” 😉 You learn to laugh quickly with a pup. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

    • Haha! Yes, I’m betting it’ll be a whole new ballgame now with Mr. Charlie! 😉 You know I’ll share it all with you! Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you so much for reading! XO

  6. Linda Grimm says:

    Think about training the dogs to stay off furniture. Have the kids get on the floor to play with him. I failed to do that with the last two dogs and it’s been very difficult keeping my white “slip cover” sofas clean. Dirty paws, fur after they have rolled in the yard, and they rub their noses.
    It’s true… you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
    I do love having them, but so much work cleaning up after them.
    Linda Grimm

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