Favorite Things Friday #23

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Happy Friday, friends! We made it:) Hope you’re enjoying a nice hot cuppa your favorite beverage and ready to tackle this last day of the work week. Let’s chat about some fun stuff to start the day!

1. Curling Wand

Seriously, I hate to be one to overreact, but you guys. THIS HAS CHANGED MY LIFE. I have the finest, thinnest hair that NEVER stays curled. When I have an event to get fancy for, like a wedding, I have been known to leave curlers in for an eternity and leave the house looking like Shirley Temple, because I know by the time we arrive, it will barely look like I touched my hair. For real. I could douse my hair in a bottle of mega super duper strong hair spray and NOPE. But this wand is complete amazeballs. It gives the best beachy waves, and stays all day. I took this picture when I was about to start dinner, just so I could show you. (Yes, it’s an awkward selfie, but I muscled through it for you people. 😉 So from first thing that morning, to dinnertime, this is how the waves held up:

For someone with flatter than flat pancake hair, this is magical. I bought it a couple years ago on Amazon – here is the (affiliate) link: (I ordered the 32mm)

It always does an awesome job, but after a few days of not washing, it works even better. Which brings me to my next favorite thing:

2. Dove Dry Shampoo

Yes, I know, I included dry shampoo in I think my second favorite things post, but I’ve since discovered Dove and it’s been life changing. Wow, did I say I hate to overreact? Apparently I downright love it. But truthfully, this stuff really is great. My Instagram Story friends may have seen my love for this stuff a couple weeks ago;). I ran out of the dry shampoo I’d been using recently and was at the store and spotted Dove. I am a Dove girl through and through (I still use a bar of the stuff to wash my face every night!) so I figured let’s give it a shot. Well, PEOPLE. It rocks. I have used expensive dry shampoo and this works just as well, if not better. And it’s like $5. I am down to washing my hair twice and week, and I have oily hair by nature. This sucks up all that oil and makes my hair feel clean and fresh…and gives it SO much more body. Which is why the combo of the dirty/dry shampoo-ed hair plus the curling wand is my JAM. (My favorite it the purple one – Volume and Fullness – here’s an affiliate link for a two pack below:

3. Plug-in Wall Lamps

I was helping my sister the other day with a decorating dilemma. She has a large wall behind her sofa and we were discussing options to fill the space. Wall lamps came up in the conversation, as I just think they’re great. Whether you have wall space to fill, or lack of a table nearby, or just want some different lighting – there are so many beautiful non-hardwired options these days that anyone can have them in their home without needing to hire an electrician. We’ve used these Lowes’ lamps a few different times in our home over the years – they’re in our bedroom:

…and in our dark basement:

And also (spray painted) in my daughter’s old bedroom:

We also have some sweet Ikea ones I spray painted (that are only $19.99!!) in my other daughter’s room:

I think over a bed they’re particularly great. They give off such a cozy glow and great for reading at night.

So if you think it’s a whole involved thing to hang some wall lamps, check out some plug-in options. You’d be amazed how many gorgeous options there are now! I found a couple more cute ones online here that I linked up for you – just click on the image (affiliate links):

As always, thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a fabulous rest of your Friday and restful weekend!

XO, Liz

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