Favorite Things Friday #41

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Good morning! And happy FRIDAY! First off, let me wish all my Carolina friends, and those in Florence’s way – I am praying like crazy for you all. I hope this Favorite Things Friday brings you a moment of distraction and joy amidst all the fear and worry. One of my favorite quotes is this one from P.T. Barnum: “The noblest art is that of making others happy.” So that is what I am going to strive to do today. Hope it works:)

I’m not sure if faucets are exactly the way to bring you happiness or not, but maybe??! Let’s dive in!


1. Moen Faucet

I can’t even BELIEVE this hasn’t made my FTF yet!! When I realized that, I knew I had to include it this week. Those of you on Instagram might remember my stories a while back, when our faucet broke and I was debating on a black or stainless faucet. I was SO torn. The black would look awesome with my hardware, and the steel would look great with my appliances. I was on a major time crunch, and needed it like the next day, when our guys were coming to install. So no ordering online or contemplating for too long…I basically had to get something that was at our Home Depot or Lowes. I ended up with this guy:

And I could NOT LOVE IT MORE. SO happy I went with the steel, and it is SO functional, which I adore. The nozzle comes out, and it can change to a shower stream with the push of a button, and I had no idea how awesome it is to have your soap hidden?! So sleek! BUT – the amazing thing is how spot resistant it is!! It NEVER gets fingerprints or water spots or ANYTHING – I am blown away by how it looks brand spanking new months later and I never wipe it down!

Ok, can you tell I’m a HUGE fan of this faucet? If you just so happen to be in the market for a new faucet it’s called the Moen Indi Single-Handle Pull-Down Sprayer with Reflex, Power Clean and Microban in Spot Resist Stainless.



2. Jute Runner from Target

Another favorite from my kitchen! I get asked about this runner more and more these days, so I thought I’d share it this week – it’s a Favorite Thing of mine DAILY. I’m so happy we picked this up last Fall when our new dog wouldn’t come in the kitchen! 😉 To make him more comfortable, I searched for a long runner to take up a lot of floor space (he prefers carpet – he’s so quirky, I could seriously write a book about this crazy mutt!). Not only did it help him, it looks amazeballs!

Here’s a link if you want one! Click here: Jute Runner

And it’s on sale right now, yay!


3. St. Francis de Sales Quote

In mass last Sunday, I heard this quote from St. Francis de Sales…I teared up immediately, and knew I’d go home and google it so I can always, always remember it. It calms my nerves, makes me feel so peaceful and calm…and I figured there might be a lot of you who need to hear them as well. Very timely with our friends in the path of this hurricane…

“Do not fear what may happen tomorrow. The same loving Father who cares for you today will care for you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.” – St. Francis de Sales

It seems like God always plants words in my life just at the moment I need to hear them.

It’s sometimes hard, isn’t it? To just put our worries aside and trust that it will be ok? Because it doesn’t always look or feel ok at the time. But it will be. Someway, somehow, whatever the outcome, we’ll get through it, if we can just put that faith greater than our fear. I struggle with this a lot, which is why this saying is now on my phone so I can reread it…over and over and over again. Hope it helps you, too!

On that note, thanks for stopping by and spending a few minutes of your day with me – wishing you a safe weekend, friends!





  1. Lori manthe says:

    Love that quote! As a mom of four with my oldest fifteen I am constantly worrying. I always say Faith over fear but it’s so hard sometimes!😊

  2. I absolutely love the jute runner! Is it soft enough for bare feet? I so enjoy your favorite things Fridays (read ‘Girl, Wash Your Face this summer!) and every design post too!

  3. Chris Boyle says:

    Oh yes I need that St. Francis prayer!! When my 4 kids are at different points of the world, worrying is what I do best!🙏🏻

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