The One Decor Item I Can’t Stop Buying

Here’s a little fun fact about yours truly.


Like, seriously.

I can’t grow anything, or keep the most livable plant alive – it’s sad, really. I want SOOOO badly to be one of those grow-your-own-food types, where the kids and I frolic outside and pick our lettuce and peppers and tomatoes and herbs from our garden for dinner.

“Oh, you want basil, my dear, but of course!” Snip, snip.


And yes, I said frolic. It’s my dream, and in my dream we frolic. We’re also carrying baskets and happily put our bounty inside, and then we frolic back.

But I digress…

We actually tried a couple years ago – spent all weekend preparing the yard, planting, all that good stuff. And months later…we grew a carrot. As in ONE. If you could even call it that. It was about 1.5 inches long. Let me tell you, the five of us FEASTED on that carrot. In my defense, we have an insane amount of squirrels, rabbits, and deer around these parts…so I had that working against me.

At this point though, I’d settle for keeping a houseplant alive.

Which is probably part of my obsession with little faux plants and why I put them in my cart every other time I’m at Marshalls or HomeGoods or Michaels or Target…

…and the other part is…just well, because they’re so darn cute!

faux plants

That one might be my favorite… (purchased at Michaels last year)

Or maybe this one…

january dining room

(from Ikea)

Or maybe this one I picked up this week at Marshalls…

faux plants

And talk about a big punch for a small amount of money – these little guys are usually between $5-$10.

Over the years, I’ve grabbed a bunch of these little guys and stuck them in various shelves around the house… (all from Marshalls)

faux plants


faux plants

…and they’re the perfect size to stick under my DIY Glass Cloche

faux plants

I mean, there’s just something about that pop of green that makes everything better.

faux plants

(no idea where this one came from – I’ve had it forEVER!)

faux plants

(most recent addition, from Marshalls)

They’re just so cute and bring life to any space…even if they aren’t real!

And lucky for me, these will be around forever;)



  1. I’m so happy to read your post as I’m the same way (NO green thumb)! and after reading this I’m heading to HomeGoids this week to add some greenery to my home – thank you!!!!

  2. I’m the same way! Love the texture & earthiness they bring to the space without the maintenance! Love reading your blog–thank you for posting!

  3. I have NEVER thought of buying these kind of little fake plants, but I can’t keep anything alive either and will now be on the lookout for some.

  4. I agree. These little guys can liven up a place for minimal money. I even stuck one in my large white pitcher that I got a few years ago after seeing your pitcher. Looked great! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing…

  5. Anne Lepczyk says:

    HI Liz! It’s your cousin, Anne. Love to look at what you’re up to with your decorating ideas. Also love to see pics of the family!! Happy Spring!

    • ANNIE! Hi!! Happy Spring to you too – sorry not to see you at Easter, please send my love to everyone! Thanks for checking out the blog:) XO

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