Have you been seeing all those adorable string art projects floating around blogland and Pinterest lately? I’ve wanted to try one for a while now, and thought it’d make a potential fun Craft Night idea, so I decided to give it a go. I took zippy photos before and during, because I kinda felt like it was going the epic fail route the whole time, so I didn’t even bother. And as it turned out, it’s not the best, and would need to be tweaked to be a contender for Craft Nights, but I still kinda love it:)
P.S. The outline of the state of Maryland is a beast, FYI.
I picked up a three pack of wood (11×14) at Michaels. I took out a piece and stained it with Minwax Special Walnut. The next day, I traced over an outline of the state of Maryland in the size I wanted, and placed it on the wood. Then I just hammer and nailed all over the outline, and ripped the paper away when I was done! I thought I’d do white string orginally, but when I saw this blue embroidery floss from Michaels, I thought it’d be gorge against the wood. All you do is tie a knot around one nail, and just go to town! Then just knot it up when you’re done. (I’m sure you can find much better instructions elsewhere – I tend to figure things out as I go, probably not the best route if you’re not a “winger” like me!)
As you can see, up close it’s nowhere near perfect, but for a first try at this string art thing, I’ll take it.
I wanted to stencil the word “home” with white paint in the blank space, but you know me with words…I’ve got too much around this house already! I’m a little obsessed, so I had to restrain myself.
I do love this whole string art concept…and I’m sure this won’t be the last time you see it on this page! How about you? Have you given it a go? Would love to hear!
Have an awesome weekend, friends – happy crafting:) XO
Great idea for my Girl Scouts! I ended up with a supply of embroidiry floss given to me and no idea what to do with it – thanks for the great idea!!! Might be fun to do their name!