If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I love nothing more than decorating on the thrifty side. When I can create something for a fraction of the cost of buying it at a store, I get so excited. This project is one of those. And I can’t wait to share it with you, […]
Easiest DIY Cotton Wreath EVER and Another Ladder…
So, I feel like a broken record, buuuuttttt….I was at Hobby Lobby the other day… (you really can’t blame me – they are KILLING. IT. these days…and also in my defense, it was the same day I was there getting the frame for my shiplap project) and spotted this garland of cotton. AND it was […]
Customizing New Crates to Look Old…or something?
Um, wasn’t sure what to title this one, as you can probably guess. It’ll make sense once you’ve read the post…I hope. 😉 Let me explain… So I bought two of those unfinished crates from Michaels (actually, I bought one – I already had one in storage for YEARS now, waiting to do a project […]
Staining a Table and a New Shag Rug
A two-for-one today! Another Project Nook post – it’s really coming along and has totally become my favorite spot. I am here ALL. THE. TIME. Can’t find me? Look in the nook first, chances are good I’m hanging out right here: Seriously. Talk about the best idea we ever had, sticking a nook back here. We […]
A New Stain for The Coffee Table
When we got our coffee table a while back, I liked it a lot, but the finish on the top never floated my boat too much. It wasn’t terrible (obviously, I’ve lived with it for a few years now! ;), but it was always one of those projects I had in the back of my […]