Repurposed Shelves in My Daughter’s Room…and Realizing I Need To Start Acting More Like My Mother.

Remember my little DIY Coffee Bar we made a couple years ago? (By the way, how was that TWO YEARS AGO??) I loved that thing. But as all things seem to do in this house, the dining room evolved and I rearranged and things changed…I bought a mug rack that I ADORE for that spot: […]

A Chair for the Big Girl Room

Ever since I finished my daughter’s Big Girl Room, I’ve been looking for a beanbag chair for a particular corner of her room. It just looked like it needed something, but MAN! It was hard. You see, it’s a spot right next to her bold coral dresser, so it couldn’t be anything too in your […]

From Nursery to The Big Boy Room: The Reveal!

PEOPLE. It. Is. DONE! My soon-to-be six year old no longer lives in a room of baby giraffes! I went digging in my photos to find some from way back when and found these gems: (gotta love a flash and point and shoot camera. OUCH). (Those dark brown curtains lasted about a week before I went […]