Hi friends! It feels so good to be writing a blog post again! To be perfectly honest with you, I’ve been in kind of a slump. Don’t know why, but it happens from time to time and eventually I climb out of it. But there’s nothing like a good thrifty DIY project to get the […]
Easy Wall Art and a Peek at the Shared Girls Room
Cabinets are Gone, Kitchen is DONE…So Where’s All The Stuff??

The day is finally here! The kitchen makeover/refresh/whatever you wanna call it – is D-O-N-E! To refresh your memory, a few months back in June, I had a crazy idea after seeing my sister’s painted countertops in her wetbar. I had the realization that while a big reno wasn’t in the budget, MAYBE I could […]
Filling an Awkward Kitchen Space with DIY Wood Shelves

Yes, it’s yet another kitchen post. That’s been consuming my days lately – other than the pool, but those days are numbered;). Coming down the homestretch though – just ordered some lights and have to finish up the paint job and that’s it, my friends! Then time to start the 87,062 projects I’m in the […]
Building Character: Extending Short Cabinets with Molding

First off, I apologize if you were stopping over here expecting a Favorite Things Friday post. But I finally took pics of the new (er, old) fancy cabinets and I figured, it’s been forever since I’ve done a regular post, so let’s just go for it this week. I’m been posting some little peeks on Instagram […]
So I Painted My Kitchen Counters!

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* I’m not even gonna try and act cool about this you guys. There may be an overuse of capital letters and exclamation points and run-on sentences and geeking out because I PAINTED MY UGLY COUNTERTOPS AND THEY ARE SO […]
Adding Character: Window Trim in the Kitchen

Hey guys! As you know, I’ve decided to make some changes in our kitchen recently. I painted the counters (post coming soon!), added a new peel-and-stick tile floor: …put beadboard and trim around our island: …ripped out our upper cabinets on one wall, added shiplap, and more to come. It’s really coming along and I […]
Favorite Things Friday #33

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Whew! This has been a whirlwind of a week, but so much fun! I hope you all had a safe and happy 4th of July. It’s a HUGE day in our town and never ever disappoints! It was a […]
A Sign from a Sign: Make It Happen

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* I just realized I never shared this one last project from the Cloffice! I tried to hit them all – first, came the reveal, then the DIY shelves, then the DIY custom desk with the mini sliding barn door…but […]
When You Can’t Find The Perfect Table…You Make One for $14! (And a New Rug for the Nook!)

I am SO excited to share this project with you today! As you might know from previous posts/Instastories/Facebook, we’re giving the nook a fresh new look. It all started when I moved the round table that was there…this one: …over to the other side of the family room when we rearranged in here: So that […]
Favorite Things Friday #14

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Hey friends! Happy Friday:) Let’s dive right in on the goodies, mmmkay?? 1. Faux green plant from Target I’m just totally digging this little guy right here. His crazy self, the way he’s all wacky and wild and vibrant…just […]