*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Finally, about a month after I promised I’d blog about this on social media, I’m sharing my pantry makeover! Thank you for your patience:) Oh my gosh you guys. I’m about to lay it all out here with […]
Pantry Makeover: Small Space, Big Impact!
Cabinets are Gone, Kitchen is DONE…So Where’s All The Stuff??

The day is finally here! The kitchen makeover/refresh/whatever you wanna call it – is D-O-N-E! To refresh your memory, a few months back in June, I had a crazy idea after seeing my sister’s painted countertops in her wetbar. I had the realization that while a big reno wasn’t in the budget, MAYBE I could […]
Changing Up the Lighting: So Long Pendant, Hello Goosenecks!
Filling an Awkward Kitchen Space with DIY Wood Shelves

Yes, it’s yet another kitchen post. That’s been consuming my days lately – other than the pool, but those days are numbered;). Coming down the homestretch though – just ordered some lights and have to finish up the paint job and that’s it, my friends! Then time to start the 87,062 projects I’m in the […]
Building Character: Extending Short Cabinets with Molding

First off, I apologize if you were stopping over here expecting a Favorite Things Friday post. But I finally took pics of the new (er, old) fancy cabinets and I figured, it’s been forever since I’ve done a regular post, so let’s just go for it this week. I’m been posting some little peeks on Instagram […]
So I Painted My Kitchen Counters!

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* I’m not even gonna try and act cool about this you guys. There may be an overuse of capital letters and exclamation points and run-on sentences and geeking out because I PAINTED MY UGLY COUNTERTOPS AND THEY ARE SO […]
Adding Character: Window Trim in the Kitchen

Hey guys! As you know, I’ve decided to make some changes in our kitchen recently. I painted the counters (post coming soon!), added a new peel-and-stick tile floor: …put beadboard and trim around our island: …ripped out our upper cabinets on one wall, added shiplap, and more to come. It’s really coming along and I […]
Favorite Things Friday #33

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Whew! This has been a whirlwind of a week, but so much fun! I hope you all had a safe and happy 4th of July. It’s a HUGE day in our town and never ever disappoints! It was a […]
Kitchen Island Transformation: Adding Beadboard and Trim

Wow, I cannot thank you all enough for your kind words on my last post! I’m so happy you love my new peel and stick tile floor as much as I do! As promised, I wanted to fill you all in on the island update. Once we got the grey floors, I knew I needed […]
Peel And Stick Floor Tile in the Kitchen: A Gorgeous Budget Friendly DIY!

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* I just cannot even put into words how excited I am about this latest project, you guys. Let me backtrack to 12 years ago for a minute. We moved into our house when I was 6 months pregnant. That […]