*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* Finally, about a month after I promised I’d blog about this on social media, I’m sharing my pantry makeover! Thank you for your patience:) Oh my gosh you guys. I’m about to lay it all out here with […]
Pantry Makeover: Small Space, Big Impact!
Favorite Things Friday #42

*This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see the FTC guidelines here.* It’s baaaaack! Sorry about the mini hiatus from FTF, but I’m sure many of you can relate to the drowning feeling Fall always brings. With the return of school and sports and life and work and appointments – it’s […]
Filling an Awkward Kitchen Space with DIY Wood Shelves

Yes, it’s yet another kitchen post. That’s been consuming my days lately – other than the pool, but those days are numbered;). Coming down the homestretch though – just ordered some lights and have to finish up the paint job and that’s it, my friends! Then time to start the 87,062 projects I’m in the […]
Building Character: Extending Short Cabinets with Molding

First off, I apologize if you were stopping over here expecting a Favorite Things Friday post. But I finally took pics of the new (er, old) fancy cabinets and I figured, it’s been forever since I’ve done a regular post, so let’s just go for it this week. I’m been posting some little peeks on Instagram […]
How To Make a Mini Pallet, and What To Do With It!

I realized the other day, while making a gift for my cousin, that I never wrote a post on the mini pallets signs I started making a couple YEARS ago!?? What the what?! Well, no time like the present, so we’re gonna talk about that today! And no, they aren’t technically pallets, but they have […]
What a Difference a Little Shelf Can Make

I was at Marshall’s the other day and spotted a sweet little mirror. I looked at the price tag…$14.99?! Couldn’t believe it. I didn’t have a perfect spot for it, but it was one of those things where I knew it would work SOMEWHERE. And for that price I had to grab it. I’ve been […]
DIY Shelves for the Cloffice

Hello there! If you read the Cloffice post last week (if you didn’t, you can click HERE to go check it out!), you may recall I said I’d do some additional blog posts about the different parts of the makeover, otherwise it would’ve been one loooong post;) So today we’re going to talk about the little […]
When You Can’t Find The Perfect Table…You Make One for $14! (And a New Rug for the Nook!)

I am SO excited to share this project with you today! As you might know from previous posts/Instastories/Facebook, we’re giving the nook a fresh new look. It all started when I moved the round table that was there…this one: …over to the other side of the family room when we rearranged in here: So that […]
June 2017 Roundup!

Wow, feels like it’s been FOREVER since I’ve done a round-up post…not sure why?! When I realized it’s the last day of June today, I thought maybe I should bring the round-up posts back. I mean, we’re all busy people living our busy lives and I’m sure you don’t check this page every day…or every week…or […]
Chalkboard Fridge Update

I finally tackled something that has been on the To-Do List forever. Like, we’re talking YEARS. It wasn’t an expensive project, and didn’t take long, so once I saw what a huge improvement it made, I could KICK MYSELF! One of the very first posts I ever wrote was on our Chalkboard Fridge: Back when […]