The day is finally here! The kitchen makeover/refresh/whatever you wanna call it – is D-O-N-E! To refresh your memory, a few months back in June, I had a crazy idea after seeing my sister’s painted countertops in her wetbar. I had the realization that while a big reno wasn’t in the budget, MAYBE I could […]
Found a New Favorite Paint Color, and The Kitchen Wall Decision!
I am *maybe* the pickiest person in the universe when it comes to paint. I will spend a small fortune on paint samples and place them in every area of the room on the walls and stare at them when the sun comes up, when it goes down, on rainy days, and everything in between. […]
DIY Custom Desk for a Closet/Office
Hello! Thank you all for the prayers for my little girl – they’re working and she’s continuing to heal nicely! Praise the Lord indeed. I am feeling like life might be getting back to normal a bit now and wanted to share with you the details on the DIY desk we (and by we I […]
When A Lamp is *ALMOST* Perfect: The 3 Minute Fix
This goes under the category my husband likes to call “Things Only Liz Would Do” – Buying a Brand New Lamp With The Intention of Painting It Immediately. 😉 I do this stuff a lot. And my husband always laughs. “Who buys something just to go around and change it?” Ummm hellloooo? Have we just met?! […]